Forest Adventure
”Forest Adventure” is based on the “Forest School” method which was created to help children and adults to further develop their social skills, knowledge and physical function. The motto being that “the forest is a playground and nature is a teacher - patient, kind but demanding”.
Spending time in the open air (regardless of the weather) provides physical effort and is a great opportunity for children to play and learn. Instead of bricks – using cones, sticks and rocks. Instead of steps – climbing the trees and jumping over the stumps. Children can also build shelters, muddy molds, constructions made of sticks and leaves. They are able to learn about the natural phenomenon and find out why the moss grows only on the north side of the trees. For many, these outings are a much better “school of life” than a traditional school with the best curriculum and high-tech equipment.
Much research into this outdoor educational environment has shown that children who have had the opportunity to take part in the forest outings such as these are more creative, self-confident and independent. They acquire knowledge more easily than their peers.
Forest education plays an important role in raising up a young generation. It encourages young people to choose a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle. It creates a sense of responsibility for the environment and sensitize to the beauty of the nature.
It’s the teachers’ obligation to stimulate the need of working for environmental protection in children from an early age.
Interacting with the nature provides not only experience and observation, but also teaches us all how to respect and love the native nature.
The whole „Forest Adventure” program is held in the English language which enables children to extend their language skills with specific vocabulary applied to natural phenomenon, animals and plants.