Healthy Environment

Healthy environment
Not only in Poland but worldwide, allergies are becoming more and more problematic affecting a larger number of children. We have developed and continue to adapt and upgrade our kindergarten environment to cater for our allergy sufferers. Our parents appreciate our holistic approach and concern regarding their children’s health and we are always receptive to new ways of reducing completely or keeping our children’s contact with allergies to a minimum.

Our menu is varied and appropriate and fulfills nutritional guidelines for children. The daily meals consist of a second or late breakfast, a first and main course for lunch, and an afternoon snack along with hot and cold liquids throughout the day.

We collaborate with catering companies to provide snacks and meals tapered to each child’s food intolerance, allergy or special dietary need.

We run the natural diet program encouraging our children to select their own breakfast foods individually and we have also been awarded the prestigious certification “Health Promoting Kindergarten